Monday, January 9, 2012

A Snuggly Moment

When my kids were babies, I carried them around in a Snuggly. I loved it because when the baby was sleeping, the side of his face would be against my heart and his legs would wrap around my sides. It was delicious. Talk about living in the moment. It was the ultimate moment.  As the kids grew up, I yearned for that feeling again, of peace, bliss, contentment, my child's heart beating against my own.

Alas, this past Shabbas, a special treat.

My 23-month-old grandson came to shul with me. While his daddy and great-grandparents were in the sanctuary (mommy was resting at home), JG and I sat with the other toddlers in the preschool. After awhile, however, he wanted to leave and as I carried him through the hallways towards the large entryway of the building, he started falling asleep on my shoulder.

I slowly sat down and reclined into a big plush chair and allowed JG's body to wrap around mine. His rosy cheeks melted into a deep sleep on my chest. His little brown extra-wide Shabbos shoes wrapped around each side of my waist. I leaned my head back, sank into the cushions and closed my eyes. And above me, suddenly the malfunctioning Shabbos speaker started working. Cantor Kutner's magnificent Hebrew chanting began mesmerizing me with his exquisite,  melodic voice.

I listened. I felt the weight of JG's body against mine; his heart beating. His beautiful long eyelashes accentuating his gorgeous face.  Oh, my love for this child!
Pure bliss.

1 comment:

  1. Your moment of pure bliss captured me and brought me right there with you. I loved reading the blog and feel there is no medicine greater that the presence of our loved ones....particularly this little delicious boy that you were blessed with. Thanks for writing the blog and can't wait to read more....
